
We implore both Koreas to cooperate swiftly and engage in inter-Korean cooperation to jointly respond to the COVID-19

2022-05-13 14:58
On May 12, North Korean authorities officially announced cases of COVID-19 in the country. This is the first confirmation of COVID-19, around two and a half years after the outbreak of the virus. The following day, the authorities announced that there have been over 350,000 cases of fever reported since the end of April. According to the authorities around 190,000 people have been quarantined and treated so far.

In response, the Korean Sharing Movement has issued a statement calling for a rapid joint response and cooperation between the two Koreas. KSM will make efforts to promote COVID-19 related cooperation projects with North Korea.

Korean Sharing Movement Statement

<We implore both Koreas to cooperate swiftly and engage in inter-Korean cooperation
to jointly respond to the COVID-19 Outbreak in North Korea>

On May 12, a COVID-19 outbreak was reported in the Pyongyang area of North Korea. The North Korean authorities convened a politburo meeting to determine a state level response to the COVID-19 outbreak. The sense of crisis enveloping North Korea, which has gone to extensive efforts to prevent the influx of the disease since early 2020, can now only be escalating.

After two years’ experience of this global pandemic we have come to understand that no-one is safe, until everyone is safe. The safety of North Korean citizens’ lives is a prerequisite for South Koreans’ safety, the health of South Koreans is inter-related to the health of North Koreans. This is the reason that South and North must cooperate with each other in response to COVID-19 patients emerging in the North.

Whilst hoping that the North Korean authorities will be able to overcome this worrying outbreak, we also urge the governments of both Koreas to jointly respond to COVID-19 on the Korean Peninsula with the following measures:
  • The South and North Korean governments should engage in dialogue regarding COVID-19 prevention measures as soon as possible. The Koreas can share knowledge that can assist in lowering the risk of COVID-19 transmission on the Korean Peninsula and on providing timely treatment for patients.

  • Based on experiences in responding to COVID-19 over the past two years, the South Korean authorities should promptly provide quarantine, diagnostic, and treatment equipment and materials to the North to reduce the risk caused by COVID-19.

  • The North Korean authorities should share COVID-19 related information and status updates with the South Korean health authorities. This can assist in creating a healthy Korean Peninsula free from the danger of COVID-19.

The COVID-19 pandemic will be remembered as the biggest global health crisis of our generation. It will also be remembered as a major opportunity to allow us to realize the importance of solidarity and cooperation in overcoming global emergencies.

The spread of COVID-19 to the north of the Korean Peninsula constitutes a crisis. However, the citizens of the North and South can overcome this crisis through solidarity and fraternal partnership. It is ‘sharing’, rather than unilateral actions that will allow us to create a healthy Korean Peninsula together.

The Korean Sharing Movement will act as a conduit for the voices of those citizens who dream of a healthy, peaceful, Korean Peninsula community. We will also strive to promote civil society level COVID-19 cooperation projects with North Korea. We look forward to all those who dream of a peaceful and healthy Korean Peninsula joining with us in this endeavor.

<May 12th 2022>